How many times have you driven through your community and witnessed people in need? To drive by and see them holding signs asking for food or spare change? To see people sleeping on the ground in the dead of winter without coats or shoes and not want to help? It was this very need that prompted a small group of people to try and make a difference.
We headed to Sam's Club, loaded up a cart with food when a woman asked jokingly, "Are you guys about to have a party?" We told her no, in actuality we were about to prepare food for the homeless and she immediately asked how she could help? It was at that moment the Lord put in my heart to start a non-profit so that others that want to help can.
Not knowing the first thing about starting a non-profit I prayed on it and asked the Lord, "If this is your Will provide me with the knowledge and every open door to make this a reality." Confirmation came when the application was approved with the very first submission, so here we are.
Keeping the Lord at the forefront of the ministries work we will try to exemplify Deuteronomy 15:11. We fully understand that there will never cease to be poor in the land. We will continue to follow the Lord's command to open wide our hands to our brothers, to the needy and to the poor, in our land,' having this as our founding principle and driving force behind individuals that want to make a positive change in the community.